
It's almost here... The Vertical Halls

The babies, resting on a worthy "blanket"

Here's living proof of it! Yeah, literally speaking: the proofs arrived yesterday. It's a lovely A5 book, with 42 pages full of superb writing (Velasco's our personal Shakespeare), amazing illustrations and maps (Valen's the perpetrator), all put masterfully together by Diego, and edited and corrected by the amazing Tim Snider!

The adventure starts in Shadypass, a town better described in this extract...

Shadypass is a small settlement, the last one before the trail wanders crookedly into the Hungrymoon mountain range.

That's Shadypass. Ain't it lovely?

Due to its situation under the mountains’ shadow, Shadypass doesn’t get many hours of daylight. However, in its public square, unsurprisingly named Plaza of Shine, a peculiar occurrence takes place; every day, the plaza is illuminated until dusk because, somewhere on the nearby peaks, the sun is reflected on a bright surface...

The Vertical Halls will be available in pdf and POD+pdf in DriveThruRPG very soon... we'll keep you updated!


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